Understanding ANZAC and Remembrance Days
HASS 3, 6
45 minutes
Learning Goals
Students will develop an understanding of commemorative days such as ANZAC and Remembrance Day including the Ode of remembrance.
What you’ll need
Computer for Media Resource
World Map or individual devices for mapping activity
Notebook and Pens/Pencils
Year level
Year 3, 6
Cross Curriculum Priority
done Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
done Sustainability
done Asia and Australia's Engagement with Asia
General capabilities
done Literacy
done Numeracy
done ICT Capability
done Critical and Creative Thinking
done Personal and Social Capability
done Ethical Understanding
done Intercultural Understanding
Days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including: Australia Day, ANZAC Day, and National Sorry Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems.
The contribution of individuals and groups to the development of Australian society since Federation.
The Ode
In this activity, students will breakdown the meaning of the Ode, including who the Ode is about, the promise we are making when we recite the ode and how we can honour and commemorate those that the Ode is talking about.